Monday, July 24, 2006

mission no. 123

over the weekend, whilst most of you were putting your feet up and relaxing under the warm glow of the sun, i was involved in some highly-guarded top-secret activity. even as we speak, i am putting my life on the line to bring you the latest report.

the mission
last friday, i was approached by the boss, mr fei, to undertake a life-threatening and highly risky mission. the mission, should i choose to accept it, is to infiltrate my favourite bak kut teh (bkt) shop and provide the low-down on their activities. i can almost visualise the owner's buffy frame and it gave me chills to imagine that i will be antagonising this character. but i had to do it, for public interest, if nothing else. so, i sucked in my breath, put on a false bravado and informed the boss that i will take on the task that nobody had wanted.

into action
this sunday, i saw the best opportunity to approach this famed bkt shop. thruth be told, i have been part of his loyal followers since i was sucking thumbs and he was an apprentice with the real-deal at port klang. i can't recall whether his master's bkt was as addictive, but i grew up on regular doses of this guy's. one bowl of rice was never enough.

armed with a pinhole camera, i swooped in smoothly into his territory. the place was still deserted. oopss, i was there too early, the family was having their dinner. nevertheless, seeing a familiar face, taukeh immediately sprang into action.

"ai kwee ua bak kut ah?" (how many bowls of pork ribs do you want")

"taukeh ah, ai puek ua. koh ai te kua yeo chee kar te kah kah tau hoo pok" (oh, never mind the translation - i went ahead and ordered what i wanted)

aside from the basics, you have pork kidney and liver; scalded to just the right texture and taste, pork knuckles; marinated and braised until it is tender, yet with a juicy bite. since i was there too early, i missed the 'yau char kwai' and the 'braised chicken legs'. it was still work in progress for the two. sighhhhhhhh! a bkt meal is never quite complete without yau char kwai.
i stole a quick picture of the boss to satisfy your curiousity. you have to really appreciate this one as i was in danger of being scalded by hot bkt soup if the boss caught me in the act.

this is the man who has probably sold millions of bowls of bkt, enough to have bought several mercedes benz, and this was in the wee old days. however, he is also a very generous man. the last i heard, he has decided to share all his good wealth with mr lim in genting and therefore, he is still here, slaving over the hot pot for my bowl of yummy bkt.

now, the photo that everybody has been waiting for. the bkt itself. be warned. if you are presently running on a near empty fuel tank, this is probably not the time for you to look at his photo. those who have just had a hearty meal, unless you have something to appease you, this photo may also proof to be too tempting. tread on with caution.

notice the succulent meat on each pork rib.....the hot steaming soup.....the mouth watering aroma.....

i have tried many types of bkt over the years but none can compete with this man's. the soup is clear and sweet but at the same time, laced with intangible chinese herb that is most beneficial for your health. it is definitely not the type where you have the bitterness of the 'dong kwai' swimming in your mouth or the 'kei chee' floating in the soup. this is one bkt that's delicious and good for your health.

if you are feeling rich, you can add in abalones and mushrooms. personally, i think these do not enrich the taste in any way, and therefore are dysfunctional. still, some prefer the bite and the chewiness of the above, so to each his own.

a complete meal. ahhhhhhhhh.

or you can have it my way...........everything goes in there and gulp! down my stomach. burpppppppp!

as i've said, one bowl of rice is never enough.

for those who have been snared by this tempting review, look him up.


i'm happy...and my stomach is happy.

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Anonymous said...

eh, long long post but never tell where's the place?

Las montañas said...

yalor, never say where's the place!

Have you measured your cholesterol lately? Never mind. The BKT looks so skinny, like the poor thing didn't have enuf to eat before being presented as BKT.

me said...

dear sooi2: got what. second last pic. the man's t-shirt? along jalan ipoh, opposite hongkong bank. must try! yummmmmmm. absolutely the best. esp when your sweat starts to drip into the soup. hahahahaha.

dear lm: as a matter of fact, my cholesterol is beaaaauuuuuuutiful. perfect. as the rest of me. hahahahahhaha. bkt skinny meh? all that succulent meat and still skinny meh? if you mean that there is not fat, ya lah. bkt ribs are not supposed to be fatty like sam charm bak. you dunno meh?

Fantasy "Sticky" Flier said...

*saliva dripping*

me said...

dear ff: *hands over baby's bib*

Ianfluenza said...

ARRGGGHHHH!!! bad timing!!! I'm so hungry at 3.30PM now... and seeing the photos sends me stomach into a growling frenzy!!! *counting* shiiitttt! I've got like FIVE friggin' more months to go back to Malaysia... How can I possibly wait??? Bring me there when I get back lahhhh! I want!!!! *pulls hair*

me said...

dear ian: well, i did warn you. :-)okay, okay, little boy. when you come back, be prepared to sweat like hell. don't pull anymore, nanti botak no girl want you lah.

seefei said...

tenkiu for risking limb and life to bring me this post hor :-)

aiyah since u r a customer from young... why never tackle the boss's son? got bkt and mercidi!

Wuching said...

mission accomplished!

me said...

dear fei: and eat bkt everyday of my life for every meal? errrrrr....not my cup of tea. somemore hor, his father gambles so much, later daughter-in-law also pawn for gambling stakes, how? :-)

dear wuching: :-) yes, all the baddies have been dealt with (imprisoned in my stomach) burrrrp!

Admin said...

and so now you will have free bak kut teh for the rest of your life?
There got to be some payback for this publicity right?

Helen said...

Hey, seefei, you should send me to more of these mission too... lol

Wow, wow, I'm supposed to fast but the meat is beckoning...

me said...

dear ah pek: payback ah?! i nearly got killed doing this expose! if the bkt boss found out, i will be the main ingredient in his bkt soup!

dear helen: yah, this is one enjoyable mission lah. slurpppp! yummy. hmmmm....maybe you can report to the boss about married man +massage parlour in ipoh..heehee

Las montañas said...

me said...
dear ah pek: payback ah?! i nearly got killed doing this expose! if the bkt boss found out, i will be the main ingredient in his bkt soup!

I wonder how she would taste like? Definitely very lean/no fat type of meat lah. :P

me said...

dear lm: hahahaha. actually you have come too late to my blog. the old regulars will tell you that my first avatar pic was a fatso lady. don't be too sure about the lean part :-p