Tuesday, December 05, 2006

a purpose

i am a lady with a purpose.

do you see the glint in my eye?

today, i have found a new objective; a goal, if you must. i have a purpose in life. ta dah!

from now on, every morning that i wake up, i have something to look forward to. something that makes me want to jump out of bed, something that makes my heart skip a beat. do you have that in your life?

let me relate the story of this life-changing chapter of my life: it was all accidental, you understand, the discovery of my mission. my nieces and nephew were having their friends over for the holiday and i was sent to my mum’s storage room to locate the plastic cups for the purpose. if i had known it was going to be an adventure trek, i would have brought along my oil lamp, map and survival bag.

as it was, i was ill-equipped for the mission into…..THE STORAGE, the boundaries of the unknown. boxes were piled high, filled with the mysterious. creepy crawlies that you have never seen before have made this place their home. scientists will be awe at the discovery of new species but people have been known to go in and never come out.....alive! you scrap away at the thick layer of dust and slime and all you will get are more dust and slime. there is only one sole motto here; if you want it, you will never be able to find it. little invisible elves work in this place to make sure of that and hide everything that you may possibly be looking for, all in the blink of an eye. wha??? i thought it was there a moment ago; that's what people always say.

i am determined to re-organise her store. my compulsive deranged virgo-an hands are itchy to alphabetize and categorise her stuffs. i’m practically rubbing my hands with glee and dreaming of the master plan to put everything in its proper place. ahhhhhh! the ultimate heaven; our new motto shall be – everything right at our finger tips, when and where we want it!

the next question is…..how do I get her out of the house?

my scheming mind is turning already.


Anonymous said...

When i read that "life-changing chapter of my life"....I thought you menopause liao. LOL

Wuching said...

aww..ur a virgo like me..

Anonymous said...

are you one of those neat freaks? suffer from a wee bit of ECD? I am partially... for sure wanna organise 9-9! hahaha!

King's wife said...

wanna come and organise my store/study room for me?

Annie said...

*pat pat on da head* Poor ME.. She's got Obsessive Compulsive Disorder written all over her.

Prescription: two weeks in solitary confinement with a bag of cookies.

Anonymous said...

Come come, you can help organize my store. Since you're at it, my study, my children's playrooom, my kitchen cabinets, bla bla bla...

Anonymous said...

After you have accomplish your mission, do come and explore mine. Promise you the adventure will be even better.

sengkor said...

most likely this will happen:

half way clean up, something more interesting happens, then chuck back everything in.. and few years later, start all over again..

Anonymous said...

'My purpose in life is to reorganize the store room', he he

Well, I don't seem to have this Virgo streak. In fact, the messier, the better. Disorder is order!!!

Anonymous said...

virgo-an? is that what u call? or virgin? LOL!!

Anonymous said...

my husband must be the most un-virgo virgo-an in the galaxy. any chance u can donate some of ur "clean & organised streak" for him?

Las montaƱas said...

can you also come down here to little red dot and help me reorganise my desk?

Annie said...

Jonzz must be an Aries..

and somebody needs to punch Ian in the other eye.


me said...

dear cocka: wahhhhh, first one to comment. what an honour for you! kakaka. menopause? i think only three things go on in men's mind with regards to women: period, PMS and menopause. original sikit lah. *grins*

dear wuching: *high 5* don't know why e-mail not working, will send my no. today. if anything else, looks like u'll have to get me in this comment box...or try my e-mail again.

dear may: hmmmm...am i a neat freak? i think i want to be. i'm itching to be and i'm most happy when i am...but like everyone else, i'm surrounded by clutter. too much mess, too little time.

dear kw: i would love to!! *rubbing hands with glee* who knows what diamonds and secrets i will find?!!?! kekekeke.

dear annie: yes *pouting with a sullen look* i'm sick, really sick. give me a bag of cookies and solitary confinement and i will start counting the chocolate chips or the crumbs :-p

dear imd: you know? that doesn't sound very bad to me. but i charge veryyyyyyy expensive one leh. *grins*

dear ah pek: i'm scared i'll find used tissue paper, uninflated inflatable dolls, battery operated ....machines and whips plus handcuffs.

dear sengkor: so 'tai siu' me ah? i finish what i start (or i will stash everything inside a big box so nobody can see the clutter) but most likely 1 day later, mum will turn everything upside down again to find her stuffs.

dear jonzzy: r u sure u are a virgo? can't be *scratching head* this is one of virgo's predominant quality. imposter!!

dear ian: *grins* i am what you will call a virgo-an. you are what i will call a virgin. hmmmm....we must do something about that too. wha?!?! mrs liew! what are you doing here? i didn't say anything!

dear sooi2: huh? cannot be! all virgos must categorise and alphabetise. your hubby is lying to you, he is not born under the sign of the virgo!! kakaka.

dear monty: your desk only ah? sheesh, small problem. will there be any presigned blank cheques lying around? no? bah! forget it!

dear annie: really? how did you come to that conclusion? and you want ian to look like a panda? how attractive.

Unknown said...

of course lah.. have you ever had a time when what you need is right where you left them?? the wind blows them all over the place. looking for them where you left them is wishful thinking at work. that's a myth that our apparently logical minds would try to have us believe ;-)