Wednesday, December 27, 2006

just another day

'twas the day after boxing day when nothing seems to be going right and little ms. me is feeling lethargic and lazy after a rather busy morning, with cries of 'mummy, mummy' going right, left and center all day. my ears are ringing from their pleas for attention and i can still hear their echo even after they have stopped calling. it is a blessing that school holiday is coming to an end soon for i have temporary shrink-wrapped my brain and sent it for storage as i have not been able to exercise it at all during this short restless period.

everything else is quiet all around; the roads are empty of cars and all living things seem to be on holiday. my internet connection is going to the extreme in controlling my access and i'm left with a handful of sites to visit. forget porn, i can't even log into yahoo.

the little master is insistent on not applying sunblock before he goes down to the playground. i am equally insistent that he applies it or he stays at home. now i have a sulking little boy on my hand whilst the reasonable and co-operative sister goes down to the playground. i can hear the faint sound of sniffling coming from somewhere inside his room. sigh! breathe ..... breathe. perhaps one of my resolution for the new year should be to have more patience with a stubborn, opinionated, lazy and mischievious boy. oh oh, i can feel him staring at me with dagger looks.

sometimes, i need some breathing space. as much as i prefer their company to manipulative and phony adults, i sometimes yearn for some time of my own. to think, to chat with friends and to have some fun. the thing with children is that they take up so much of your time and attention. then again, as most people will tell you, they will only do that for a short number of years. sigh! by which time, you'll start wishing that they don't stop clinging to you. the irony of motherhood.

looks like i better go off and do something about those sniffling, before it turns into a major flood.


Anonymous said...

One more week to go, and you can pass your kids back to the teachers. Ho Ho Ho!~ :)

Anonymous said...

Me: You sound like a nice mummy:)

Las montaƱas said...

need own time? just dump the kids at the inlaws or your own parents loh.

do it, and do it without feeling guilty.

Anonymous said...

Um.. can't dump them at the in-laws if the in-laws are staying with you, right?

Thank you! Thank you! for describing my everyday LIFE! Good grief. It's like you gave up a life of your own when you have children. We become the beck and call girls for these demanding little munchkins. "It's FREE PLAY TIME. DO WE KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS?" Yes! I means YOU play on YOUR OWN and leave me alone.

Here, have a drink on me. It's the only way to prevent child abuse or putting up your kids for sale on eBay.

Anonymous said...

dear titoki: hahaha. yes, one more week before i have to listen to complains from the teachers about how my son is not paying attention in class or has been too distracted over the holiday period. they seriously expect kids to be revising and reading books during the holidays!

dear poochie: that's so nice of you to say that. i'm sure you'll be a great mum too when your turn comes.

dear monty: my inlaws don't live here and my parents are also out of town. :-(

dear annie: *high 5* free play? what's that? i don't think they understand that concept. not even with nintendos, barbie dolls and all types of toys that you can play on your own. it's like..."can you please sit there and watch me play?" *jaw drops to the floor* sureeeee, i have nothing better to do in my life anywayyyyyyyy. *gulps down drink offered by annie*

me said...

crap. that was my reply, by the way. don't know why it came out under anonymous.