Tuesday, September 05, 2006

a broken tradition


i have been doing the same thing on this day, every year, for the past twenty years.

however, today i am not able to carry out that which already seems like tradition to me.

to be very honest, on some years it seemed more like a chore. on others, it was just another excuse to get in touch.

i never knew to appreciate those times. i never knew that it will be taken away from me.

i feel lost today.

Though you are not here
wherever I go or whatever I do
I see your face in my mind
and I miss you so
I miss telling you everything
I miss showing you things
I miss our eyes
secretly giving each other confidence
I miss your touch
I miss our excitement together
I miss everything we share
I don't like missing you
It is a very cold
and lonely feeling
I wish that you could be
with me right now
where the warmth of our love
would melt the winter snows
But since I can't be
with you right now
I will have to be content
just dreaming about
when we'll be together again

-Poem by Susan Polis Schutz


Las montañas said...

Its your birthday today?

me said...

dear lm: close guess and very relevant. but no, not mine

Wuching said...

its a personal post so i'll refrain myself from asking too many question but just wanna say have a good day! :)

Anonymous said...

Lost? Get yourself a map at www.maps.com for FREE*!

*Conditions apply

seefei said...

i skip the poem... whats up? tell u a joke....

wat's the similarity between a pair of tight jean and cheap hotel?

seefei said...

no ballroom ahahahahah....

Anonymous said...

i know.. i know.. let's all hope for the best ya?

why don't you think of something happy instead? u know like...like........
....ahpek for instance?

me said...

dear wuching: so sweet. thank you.

dear ian: map ah? the $1m question perhaps is to where? the problem is not the route but the destination?

dear fei: haha. thanks for attempting to cheer me up with this drastically unfunny joke. anyway, glad you tried.

dear ah pek: *grins* thinking of ah pek ah? *pengsan*

Anonymous said...

it's hard, yea... after doing it for such a long time.

hmmm... maybe add a new tradition, by smiling and saying thanks that every day brings a new beginning, a new opportunity, a new hope... :)


sengkor said...

alamak.. another deep post.. undertanding it oredi a challenge, how to comment?

me said...

dear may: a very good advise, thank you. let's all try to be happy :-)

dear sengkor: ah pek understand wot. :-) nevermind lah, more for me to rant and rave rather than for you to comprehend. if dunno how to comment, can say things like ms lenglui very lenglui :-D