Thursday, September 28, 2006

escort service

i don’t know when.

i don’t know how.

i seem to have picked up a part-time job recently. a niche post actually. something that you will never see in the classifieds, yet there appears to be a genuine demand for the service.

actually, my official title is ‘hospital escort’. yes, that’s what I do. i accompany people to the hospital for their visits to the doctors. old or young, men or women. open heart surgery or a simply haermorrhoid consultation. no job is too small for me.

my job scope?

i put on pretty clothes, hoping that the doctor will notice and let us jump queue in an effort to save my client some time.

i ask questions that appear intelligent and medically-based to make us all look good. perhaps some of these questions may have no relevance to the medical condition of my client, but someone has to make the small talk, right?

i do all the hard work and running around; collecting medicine, taking note of the dosage instructions, paying bills (of course i will have to be reimbursed for this, otherwise why else will i be performing the service?) and the flirting with handsome doctors.

i simplify the instructions on the rather complicated medicine sticker and re-write them in simple monosyllable for you; in whichever language you are proficient.

i provide amusing conversations to pass the time whilst waiting for the doctor, just incase i have failed to attract the attention of the gay doctor.

i provide personal reminders for the next appointment, which also translates into my next service charge.

sounds like a very simple job? there is more than meets the eye, mind you. i was pricked by the *&%$ing needle once, attempting to be doctor’s assistant after which i have made a mental note not to dress too sexily infront of the doctor again, lest he is unable to perform his function satisfactorily.

then there is the endless 'thumb-twiddling' wait and the endurance of stomach-growling hunger pangs through lunch hour.

most important, there is also the client factor. presently i have a hypochondriac patient as part of my clientele. someone who imagines that she is inflicted with all kinds of discomfort and will not rest until she visits the doctor and is given medication of one kind or another. a typical visit will go like this:

she: doctor ah, i feel pain here woh.

doc: here ah? oh, small pain never mind.

she: very painful woh. until cannot eat lah.

*slap* the doctor slaps me with a bill for medication.

she: my legs also feel very weak wor.

*slap* *slap* another bill.

she: and i cannot sleep at night. can give me some sleeping pills ah?

*slap* *slap* *slap*

i don’t quite mind, after all i am reimbursed for whatever bills i am slapped with, remember? however, i can hear the distant cries of someone’s wallet, screaming for help. still, how do you tell your client that it is all in her mind? so, i keep my mouth nicely zipped up and pocket my escort fees.

business seems to be a little quiet these days. anybody needs a hospital escort?

by the way, i charge by the hour. and there is no hanky-panky with the hired help.


Anonymous said...

hmmmm, hospital escort? do you do wheelies with wheelchairs too? wouldn't mind having a go around the block... ;)

Las montañas said...

eeeoyoh!! the last thing i'll do is to hang around hospitals!! after the 2003 SARS thing.

hospitals are hotbeds for all unimaginable infections!

heh, hope that didn't frighten u.

Cocka Doodle said...

Yes lenglui! You are what I've been looking for all these while!

See, I work for Nirvana Memorial and all these people are definitely my prospects for selling plots.

We'll make an excellent team. I pay good commission. Deal?

Our business is also vertically integrated, so if your clients are looking for koon choy poe, we have them too. LOL

me said...

dear may: wheelies? no probs. charge by the rounds we make. there is also this rather complicated maneuver i do, difficulty rating of 10 and involving a couple of backward flips, that i charge per time but i guarantee you can not get that experience elsewhere. game?

dear lm: haiyah! you know 'wan sek karn lan' (difficult to find food). disease or no, i still need to find a living mah. nevermind lah, i scrub down with dettol everytime i come back :-p

dear cocka: kok kok kai, a partner to expand my business at last! yes!! then again, i hope my clients live long and healthy, otherwise mana ada lagi service charge? once i pass business to you, that means one less client for me leh. you must give me a bigger cut lah. and there is no way you can refer back business to me, so it looks like a one way deal.

Anonymous said...

I think I'll need your services in a few year's time. Can you drop me a contact number? Money is not a problem as long as I get "satifying" services.

me said...

dear ah pek: waitaminit, what type of service *wink wink* are you looking at first? give you my number, nanti backside itchy also call me. must make sure you are genuine client dulu. show bank guarantee or medical insurance policy first, yah?

ian, just incase you are reading this, wanted to let you know i have been banned from commenting on your childhood crush post again. :-( i dunno lah. your blog doesn't like me very much. not that my comment was going to be very enlightening anyway. my comment was..."*grins*". first time someone has commented on another's blog in their own blog leh?! that's me, trendsetter! kakaka.

Anonymous said...

Wahahahaa! Very creative of you! No wonder I don't see you commenting on my post lately. I really cannot explain why, perhaps ah pek can help? He's the fixer! Or even Titoki? She fixes computer and men! Muahahaha!!!

As for your post... Is the job bringing good pay? If it is, I might just fly home and become a hospital escort too.

me said...

dear ian: heyyyy, i never miss reading a single of your post.

the pay ah? hmmmm...maybe if you volunteered a little service on the side you may get something more. kakakakaka. old ladies are known to be very generous with their money to their favourite little boys *wink wink*

seefei said...

you do town as well? i need an about-town escort when i am in bolehland. i usually will be down with homesick and n0-work-backside itchiness & blogging withdrawal symptom.

Las montañas said...

imagine ian doing a hospital escort!

matron: who's that young turk?
senior nurse: dunno, looks new
matron: looks like my son
senior nurse: issit? but oh my! look at the way he's handling the patients!!!


me said...

dear lm: haha. and i wonder what you mean by 'handling the patient'! you have to paint a more vivid picture otherwise my imagination will just go wild!! i'm imagining some dollars being slipped between his waist band!

me said...

dear fei: this one on availability basis. must do reservation first. but charge very expensive; per hour. must show me good reference beforehand. bring your wife and i'll give you a better discount :-p