Monday, January 15, 2007

not another meme

my fingers are stiff, my brain rusty.

it has been the longest time since i was last tagged. it is probably an honour to be remembered and tagged again by the much revered and oh so mighty ah pek but this one that he has just served me proved to be the most difficult by far. true, it will be easy to just whip out any answer from the dusty old bag i call a brain, but as a mark of respect to this man, i think i should stop and ponder for a little while.

this is also probably the most boring tag i have received. who the hell cares what your favourite movies are? it's not like any of you are going to a movie with me soon and will like to find out the genre of my likings, so what does it matter which movies i adore? most tags reveal something about the "tag-ee" but i seriously can't imagine someone telling me 'oh yes, now i know that you are a shallow air-head because you like stephen chow's movie' or 'better stay clear of you, you have a potential murder streak because you like to see house of wax' (definitely not paris hilton's version, ok? gagggggg!.)

nevertheless, i shall plough on, lest i am being reminded of being long-winded. i don't know where he gets the idea that i am a movie-fan but he is amazingly accurate. a movie-fan may not be the correct description. i call myself a movie-dumpster. i take in all types of movies; thriller, romantic, comedy, drama, action, chick-flicks, whatever you have as long as i have time to spare and a correct setting; both of which are increasingly difficult to come by of late. the only type of movie that i absolutely can't stand is those where every single freaking person in the movie dies in the end. or those that have every possible misfortune befall the actor / actress. she lost her parents since young, her sibling died trying to save her from a car-crash which left her disabled anyway, the boy she loves turns out to be her blood-brother, she has cancer.... ?!?!?!?!? what's the point? let's just have a bomb drop on all the characters at the very start of the movie and kill all of them! saves my tears and the nerve-wrecking moments.

the problem, and therein lies the difficulty, with this tag is most movies go in one side of my brain, run havoc in there for a few milli-seconds and leave the other side, without so much as a trace of its existence. i forget totally great movies in the blink of an eye. sighhhhh! i have problem remembering which movies i really like. so, for the purpose of this tag, after spending the weekend deliberating on it (see how serious i am!), i shall choose movies that have somehow managed to stay with me, despite the test of my dementia-racked brain.

since i have been going on and on, i shall cut it short here. want to know what's so good about these movies, or what it's all about? go watch it then! haha! no pics, no synopsis. sorry.

1. the romantic - Moments to Remember (korean)...*sniff*

2. the thriller - Memento (killed lots of brain cells trying to remember the last sequence)

3. the recent comedy - The Pink Panther (yes, the 'stupider' the better)

4. the supernatural - The Sixth Sense (the ending just stays with you)

5. the trials and tribulations of ms. me - ok, that one is not out yet. it will be one day, you just watch out for it. i can't think of anymore and i'm sick of trying. so ah pek, four only, ok?

usually, i will tag others with glee, with a revenge. this time however, i shall spare you. let's wait for another more interesting tag, shall we?


Anonymous said...

oooooooooh, the Sixth Sense. I got goose bumps again thinking about that movie.


Anonymous said...

aaahh.. so i am the much revered and the oh so mighty ah pek now!

Make sure you bow 3 times before coming to my site. Your Reverance here might just grant you 3 wishes.

BTW, your taste of movies is totally different from mine, so I have taken out your wish to go out to the movies with me from your wishlist.

Anonymous said...

movie ah? u know what i like wars lor! hehehe

me said...

dear annie: yes, it was good cos no critic spoilt it for us before we actually watched it. the ending just stays with you.

dear ah pek: *bow* *bow* *bow* eh, ah pek, you only like to see bruce lee movie. cinema where got show bruce lee now? got deep desire to go watch movie with you also no use lah!

dear wuching: hahaha. tell me something i don't know. *grins* u're back in australia?

Anonymous said...

yes, i'm back in melb now..