Monday, October 30, 2006

pussycat, pussycat, where have you been?

i'm back.

yes, that is pretty obvious, otherwise you wouldn't be reading this.

i brought back souveniers, dear readers, to compensate for the irreparable damage my absence has done to your soul. bags after bagfuls of ........germs. millions and zillions of microscopic bacteria. cough! cough! krekkkkkk....choo. anyone want some?

ok, i've done it again. i fell sick during my undercover mission. i always do. that's why it sucks so much. i'm so sick of sneezing, wheezing and coughing when i should be relaxing and enjoying. i hate feeling groggy, like having a water balloon sloshing around in my head, when i should be all perky and excited. most of all, i want my taste buds back!

i guess this is what happens to people who others deemed are fortunate enough to go for undercover missions. whoever it was who has been doing voodoo on me because of their envy, you can quit right now, ok? i'm back and i'm miserable now.

still, i'll live.. *wipes snort on sleeves* tell the tales of my travel.

the country was amazing. it was an 'eenie meenie miny moe' pick but looking back, i think it was a wonderful choice. i've never thought much about this place, as everybody knows it by what it is famous for (which i shall keep silent about for the moment so as not to spoil the quiz question at the end), and to most, that seems to be all there is to it.

that was far from the thruth, as my visit there opened my eyes to its beautiful architecture, the historical facade of their buildings and the stories that lie within. even the ambience of the place was enough to knock me off my feet. it just felt so good to be there, in the presence of true beauty, both inner and skin-deep.

i was told, by my research papers measuring inches thick, that the people there are most attractive. i'm not one for people-watching, or rather face-watching, but once i turned my attention to the citizens there, going about their daily routine, it surprised me that i was looking at dropdead gorgeous people every other step of my way. can you imagine bumping into tom cruise, minus the height imperfection, or alicia silverstone everywhere you go?

ok, these two weren't the best samples i've seen but i had to be discreet or risk spending a night in the local jailhouse, holding a toddy for warmth, or worse the resident butch sex-offender for company.

all in all, it was a beautiful trip, save for this irritating cold.

so, my dear friends, where did i go? Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

hmm.. no fun in a quiz if nobody guesses. I'm actually clueless so this is just a logical guess - New Zealand or Australia... (don't laugh, I don't travel that much!)

Anonymous said...

the netherlands?

Anonymous said...

Italy?? cos I see a Pizza menu... and a river which might be Venice. and the ang-mohs look more European.

but wait, the menu's in Engrish, hahaha! ok ok... second guess... Australia?

Unknown said...

nice pics! I know the answer... somewhere on this earth la... where else? :P

Las montañas said...

you're sneeky! .. taking photos of unsuspecting folks. hey, where's the blond!???

I would guess NZ or AU

Anonymous said...

definitely not australia. me thinks.


can i have a lil pressie too?


Annie said...

*Sprays ME with antigerm Lysol*
cough cough.. ok, a bit much.

My first thought was Venice, Italy too.. because the dude picture has signs of pizza and spaghetti.. then the architecture and the 'river'. I want more pics of the people too! Beautiful men if possible in their 30s. Thank you.

I'm with Serendipity - where's our pressie? :D . Jonzz and Monty will have this place cleaned up in a jiffy.

me said...

dear jonzz: yes, thank you for being the first participant. unfortunately, you are wrong, so no prizes there. :-)

dear poochie: gasp! second person to guess and you've got it right! how can you? so fast! what pointed you in the correct direction? darn! and i didn't even have a chance to show my second lot of pictures with the bicycles, windmills and canals. :-( *pouting* should have pretended to guess wrongly.

dear may: sorry, pooh bear got the right guess. they serve a lot of pizza there though. there isn't any typical dutch food, except for pancakes which are bigger than our faces.

dear kenny ng: kakakaka. correct-o. very clever lah you.

dear monty: ooooo, monty goes for blondieeeee. hey, brunettes are nice too what. poochie has the right answer.

dear serendipity: sorry, wrong guess. pooh bear gave the correct answer. but you are welcome to all the souveniers you can take...all those bagfuls of germ-ridden air are just waiting for you. i've got some snort-covered tissues, if you are looking for something extra. eugh!

dear annie: how cruel! i can barely breathe and she sprays me with more toxic! cough! cough! sorry, 2 pics of ppl are all that you are getting. hey, i risked bodily harm to get those for you guys! i was just taking it for my blog! how lame does that sound? they would have drowned me in the nearest canal if i was caught. and as with serendipity, you are welcome to all those snort-filled germ infested tissues i brought back. :-)i've got fresh supply if you care to lean forward a little ...*cough cough cough hackkkkk...*

Cocka Doodle said...

You went to Horlan ah?
Yes, the first give-away was "minus the height imperfection"...coz those dutchies are so 9 tall!

2nd collage top right...yeah the canal!
3rd collage...the species of duck that can swim in icy cold waters!

Anonymous said...

Ugh... grossius maximus... what's this infatuation with snot filled tissues? Doesn't exactly add some spark to your charisma... lol!

me said...

dear cocka: *giving him a suspecting look up and down* u sure you're not giving me the answer AFTER looking through the comment page? so clever meh? but you're right, those dutchies are GIANTS! n i figured 1 pic of water won't send everybody down the 'canal' idea. still, i'm a little wary about the legibility of your guess *scratching chin*

dear jonzz: i can't help it. i feel so shitty. all i can think about is how scratchy my throat is, how hoarse my voice has become and how my eyes are burning. you try being charismatic when you feel like you've got elephants trumpeting around in your head. n these ppl are asking me for pressies *sulking* no one asked me how i was *sticking pouting lips out further* and don't let me start on the bugs you guys left behind!! sheesh, this will take me forever to clean up.

Anonymous said...

I know! I know! you went to...

Anonymous said...

Besides the germs, did you get anything for me??? Pls say you did ;)

Wuching said...

wuah! so envious of u! went to europe & bring home european virus!

Anonymous said...

Hurray! Hurray! *Dances around* *Claps loudly for self*

ME: Do I get a prize?
Oh....the "toy houses" was the only giveaway...hehe
Hope you feeling better now.
U r a travel writer, aren't u?

Helen said...

What a holiday!! Worth everything ler! lol

Nice pictures!! :-)

Annie said...

*Spraying Lysol even more* on ME (bah ha ha ha) It's supposed to kill germs! Are you feeling better? No? *spray*

I'll have to google the Netherlands. Windmills? That would be a pretty picture. Have no clue where that is. I think Pooh needs some prize that will help her flip up back to standing again. LOL!

me said...

dear ah pek: errrr...actually, where is timbuktu ah? africa issit? mayb next time must really pay a visit there so i can tell people i went to timbuktu *grins*

dear imd: *bigger grins* besides the germs, i brought you........myself! hahahaha! i brought back myself to you so that you can continue to have entertainment reading my posts. kakakaka. thick hor, my skin? *smile*

dear helen: worth all this sneezing, coughing and headache meh? it was rainy there sometimes and i got caught in one of those big rain. soaked from head to toe, even with umbrella *pouting*. that's why i get to import foreign germs back.

dear annie: what?! are you trying to kill me? *cough cough* you have to read the fine prints on the can : not to be used on human being!

somemore in europe, very close to belgium and paris...... i think. or what most people called erroneously as holland. actually, i never had world geography class. *sigh!*

Las montañas said...

The Netherlands.. show us photos of those sex shops.

me said...

dear monty: naughty. *wagging finger* couldn't go to that area because i haven't found figure out how to answer "mummy, why is that woman not wearing any clothes?" and i don't think i can deal with reaction of any sort from my son.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back.
Bought anything as souvenir from your holidays in Netherlands?
I mean....for ME.

me said...

dear licky: sorry, you are so late that all i have left are some germs and a few dry coughs. even the snot-covered tissues are all gone.

Anonymous said...

*orgasmic gasp* is that a vollendam in ur collage? obscenely beautiful place!

Anonymous said...

Darn!!! I couldn't load your blog for the past few days and I've missed it... I wouldn't have guessed it anyways...

me said...

dear sooi2: volendam, amsterdam, rotterdam, madurodam...damn a lot of dams that place! *grins* it is beautiful, isn't it? i think i left my heart back there.

dear ian: was wondering why you were missing. thought you were not finished with your book *grins* enjoy the photos anyway.

Fantasy "Sticky" Flier said...

I ordedi read the can I at least get a door prize? :P
Psssstttt your pontianak outfit cannot hide your lovely features especially when you blur it out liddat, brings it out more than hide ;)

Anonymous said...

yeah, it's like another planet from m'sia *groans*. i climaxed the first time i saw the sheep and fresian cows...wahahaha!

me said...

dear ff: door prize? certainly. just stick your hand in the door, i'll close it and you'll have your prize. ta dah! *grins*

lovely features? you like small slitty eyes, stubby nose and cheeky grin one ah?

dear sooi2: kakakaka. so easy one ah? liddat must post more sheep photos so that you can have a very happy time loh. :-D

me said...

dear wuching: eeek, replying to your comment. damn those fast scroll thing. envy? lean close and i'll give you some of those upclass imported european virus. best friends share share, you know?

dear poochie: ooo, being a travel writer will be soo fun. unfortunately, i'm not adventurous enough and i don't think i dare to try out local delicacies, so cannot qualify lah :-(