Saturday, October 07, 2006

where did the moon go?

was it me?

or did the moon disappeared last night?

i had the feast of a dinner for moon-lantern festival last night. the whole table was laden with scrumptious mouth-watering food. it was a matter of which food takes priority over others before my appetite was satiated.

sad to say, it was a lantern festival like all other years. we didn't cause havoc or burn down the house, for fear that the insurance premium will be raised. we didn't roam the streets with our lantern because we didn't fancy being knocked over by cars blinded by the haze. we didn't get drunk and sing chinese melodies at the top of our lungs.

however, we did have a mini-concert by the children, coerced and forced into performance by their wicked mother/aunty. that's me, by the way. we did pig out on the array of food. we did light up some lanterns and nearly ended up burning one of them. we did yak, yak, yak the night away.

it was very nice.....but where did the moon go? we hunted for it the whole night and even sent out a couple of detectives to track it down. it was no where in sight, that beautiful larger-than-normal and very round luminous moon. hidden behind the thick cloud of haze.

sigh! Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

that was some spread!! simple dinner at home with the family myself. no moon for us either, and worse (or better), it rained!!

Wuching said...

the moon's hiding behind the haze!

Annie said...

and WHY was *I* not invited? Hmph.. *flicking hair and stomping away*

I'll have you know the MOON was BEAUTIFUL and made a HUGE light orange display of itself last night on our clear day. I think we just got lucky though, because we got overcast today and it's raining. I'm sorry you didn't see the moon.

Here, I'll blow the rainclouds your way to wash the haze.

Fantasy "Sticky" Flier said...

the moon was here, buge and big

titoki said...

The mooncakes got no harm tan wong oso geh?! ;)

sengkor said...

y amongst the mooncakes got some burnt burgers?

Las montañas said...

give the moon a break lah!! she went on vacation liao after sufferin all the haze you all put up to the heavens.

Las montañas said...

oh, and you have better address the fairygodmother's comment that she wasn't invited! You know what happened in those fairy tales right?

seefei said...

seong ngor and ngau long had hijacked the moon for their personal rendezvous LOL

hei thats a big party there! how no pic of the party goers?

Anonymous said...

the moon was so nice on friday in AUSSIELAND!!!!


Unknown said...

Wahhh... you must be feeding 50 sumthing hungry souls. Soooo much food!

Cocka Doodle said...

Who said no moon? I was mooning away the whole night. LOL

Anonymous said...

I like the lantern very much... albeit it's a papercut one...

Anonymous said...

hoiyoh.. you all really celebrated hor. you didn't dress up as chang erh meh?

me said...

dear may: you are lucky it rained! with the scrumptious spread, we had a little ambience aromatheraphy - the latest scent: hazy smoke!

dear wuchie: :-( need you remind me?

dear annie: gasp! the fairy godmother paid me a visit!!! (monty gave you that nickname, not me *pointing accusing finger at monty*) i don't mind inviting you....if you foot the air-ticket bill yourself!!! hahahaha. stop tempting me with description of your beautiful moon. sob! sob! *wiping teary eyes* and you must have pretty big lungs if you are going to blow the clouds from seattle to here?! which reminds me of something hubby n i were talking know how superman sucks in all those smoke/whatever? how come he doesn't get things like ppl's scarves, hats, dentures, toupees stuck between his teeth?

dear ff: wahhhh! another one with tales of the beautiful moon over there!!! please pack it up and ship it back home, sir!

dear titoki: actually, they were jelly mooncakes and none of us were interested cos we were so full after stuffing ourselves with all that food!

dear sengkor: your eyes very good ah! actually that was given by someone who sells kebab. we actually thought it was a new invention: kebab mooncake. turned out to be just ngau yoke kon :-)

dear monty: hey, we didn't put up the haze, your other neighbour did! moon-lantern festival without the moon? i want my moon!

*ping* i feel so sleepy now....why am i feeling so sleepy.....damn! i should have mailed off that invita......*falls into a hundred-yr slumber*

dear fei: kaka. one of them was already pissed off cos i kept taking photos of them. my head would be chopped off if i were to post them here!

dear serendipity: yes, i know *sulking* all these ppl in aussie and canada keep reminding me :-( kindly pack it up and sent it over here, thank you.

dear bernard: that's the problem with buffets. we tend to make too much food for fear of not providing enough. but i think in the end, if was more or less polished off!

dear cocka: mahhhhhhh! got flasher!!!! bring out the chopper!

me said...

dear ian: hi, we've got a new commentor here, welcome!! and thanks for dropping by. hang on, your name sounds familiar.....hey! you're not new! you've been here before! eonsssssss ago! so long that my memory has forgotten. kakakakaka. :-) the lantern is a free one from teashop.

dear ah pek: you never celebrate meh? no moon also, cannot see my ngau long, so don't want to dress up lah this year.

Annie said...

Now WHY would the Full Monty term me as a Fairy Godmother? I'm *NOT* that old. Mmmm... Note to self: Monty (aka LM) needs a major beating or new bifocals. :D

and who says Superman doesn't get those things stuck in his teeth? I believe he uses Super Dental Floss.

I'd say Happy Holiday to you, but you don't celebrate Columbus Day there.. unless Columbus made a pit stop there.

Las montañas said...

harlo! my name is not monty.

me said...

dear annie: i think he could have..maybe....but my history sucks. but if there's any holiday attached to it, i'll take it, whatever name it is.

i think it's because of the non-invitation part and all that hair flicking and stomping that you get your nickname. you should be grateful he didn't give you the EVIL fairy-godmother part, but somehow i think that was who he meant. :D

super dental floss? i think he needs steel wires for those teeth!

dear monty: are you a little slow today or what? she has been calling you that for ages and i have started to as well. it's more affectionate, don't you think? i dunno about the full monty part though.

Anonymous said...

Eh, dun be like that lah. Haha... I've been busy reading my book mah. I still read your blog although I sometimes skip the commenting parts...

me said...

dear ian: *grins* sorry, i sometimes have a very dry sense of humour. not pissed off, just teasing you, otherwise i wouldn't hv kept visiting your blog. but i thought perhaps i could hv said something to piss you off, you know how i always tease people.

Anonymous said...

What a feast! Just to share your misery, no moon in my part of Bolehland too :(

me said...

dear imd: sob! sob! *wipes teary eyes* what is moon-lantern festival without the moon? another excuse to stuff ourselves silly! haha!

Robin CHAN said...

yea, same here.. no moon, just haze..

and if u eat all the food, the moon will be on the face.


me said...

dear robin: kakakaka. doesn't help that the moon is now on my behind!