Sunday, October 22, 2006

in anticipation

the bags are waiting in the hallway. everything is ready to roll on the word 'go'. the travel books and thick research papers are all packed and within hand-reach and the emergency medical bag is stocked up for unforeseen circumstances.

the place will be alien to us. the people, the language and the culture will be foreign. i will no longer be able to hide behind my comfortable routine and will be forced to face new adventures every minute of the day. whilst it is both scary and exciting, what i look forward to the most is breaking free from all the constraints of schedules.

i will no longer have to look at the watch to know if it is time for lunch. my growling stomach will remind me. i do not need the ticking clock to tell me if it is time to head for my next destination. i will move on when i have absorbed all the pleasure each place offers. i do not need to know when it is time to sleep or wake up. my body will be the indicator.

i can stop and look at the beautiful flowers as the gentle breeze carries its sweet fragrance to me. i can sit at leisure and watch the people walk by, without having to bother about rushing to meet my next appointment. i can walk slowly along the streets and admire the magnificent architecture, which is rich with its history. i can enjoy each mouthful and savour its taste.

i can be me.


Anonymous said...

ooooh, holiday time for you!! remember to breathe in all the coffee and soak in the sunshine too. better than the haze here, that's for sure! have a wonderful trip!

Las montaƱas said...

Think she is going to timbaktu. or perhaps butan or some remote place on earth like the Caucasus mountains.

Wuching said...

god speed!

sengkor said...

u going back to Venus ah..?

Cocka Doodle said...

Your company sending you to Siberia ah?

Fantasy "Sticky" Flier said...

how come you so lucky always go on holiday wan??? teach us how leh...
Psssstt .. enjoy!

Annie said...

.......... GO!.....

Ha Ha ......... Psyche!


it's not time to go yet.

Annie said...

You can be me? I thought you were going undercover? Is this a mission or is it a vacation? I'm so cornfused.

Anonymous said...

Wow, another holiday ah? Envy envy. Have fun!

Jonzz said...

O.O envy.....

me said...

dear may: thank you. glad to notice that the haze situation has cleared up on my return. i can breathe again!

dear monty: shhhhhhh! you're blowing my cover!

dear wuching: thank you dearie.

dear sengkor: ya lor, got fed-up with trying to understand you martians. dunno why you ppl always use toilet paper to decorate your face leh? *scratching head*

dear cocka: company says i go there to oogle at the guys, so don't want to fork out for me. :-(

dear ff: that one very easy. you go to the nearest lottery shop, choose a ticket and make sure you win the lottery. or do it like me. don't eat or spend any money for the whole year and then travel like a beggar with your hard earned money :-)

dear annie: darn! and i was about to sprint to the door! not fair!

stop eating so much corn...then you'll just be fused.

dear imd: don't be. i'll share my experience with you :-)

dear jonzz: you can do it too. just tell your boss you need some time off. you want me to tell him for you? what's his e-mail? thought i can't guarantee you'll still have a job when i'm through with him :-)