Wednesday, May 10, 2006

the master of blabbing

recently i had a chance encounter with a real si-fu, a master in her chosen field. she must have weathered so much trials and tribulations to be able to master her skills and honed them with such perfection. i take my hat off in awe of her abilities. i must make an effort to discover if she has learnt them from some ancient shaolin instruction manuals or plainly from the book of life. if only i can stand the strength of her powers long enough not to fall asleep.

this fine lady, aunty l, is a nurse who is presently looking after my grandma. poor granny has just undergone surgery for a broken femur and is slowly on the path of recovery. so, i have the fortune, or misfortune (depending on whose viewpoint you are looking from) to cross skills with her whenever i look in on granny.

me: ah mah ah, how are you feeling today?

granny: ahhh....i....

aunty l: today she is much better, look at her, so alert now, blah, blah, blah.

once she stopped, i ventured on...

me: did you see your favourite teow chew movies this morning?

granny: *opens mouth to begin talking*........

aunty l: let me tell you the list of her activities from the time she woke up this morning. first she got up, and then we..blah blah blah blah blah.

that lasted for a few good minutes. taking a deep breath, i tried again.

me: ah mah, have you eaten your lunch? must eat more hor.

granny: yaa...i.....

aunty l: wah, she eat so much today. the bowl of porridge was quite big, blah, blah, blah.

head spinning round and round and face rapidly turning blue, i tried again.

me: here is much better than your hometown, right? can see your sons and daughter and all your grandchildren. when we are free, we can just come and talk to you, no need take 3hours ride to talk to you.

grandma: hai......

aunty l: you really remind me of that tropicana man, hor. he also says things like that and ......blah blah blah.....that quek leng chan blah blah blah............i also take care of the tan & tan family........blah blah blah

i don't know at which point in time, my soul has left the body and an empty shell was sitting there, feigning an interested look. she went on and on, not waiting for me to keep up, and all i could do was put in a proper nod and a polite 'hmm' here and there.

after a few more tries at talking to my grandma, i gave up. she couldn't get a word in and i couldn't hold a proper and direct conversation with her, minus the commentaries from aunty l. it was too much for an inexperienced conversationalist like me. she could twart any topic into what she wants to talk about. for that matter, she can talk about any topic. she must be one bored lady.

all i know is, by the time my granny's leg has recovered, she may have forgotten her ability to speak since she will not get much chance to exercise it in the coming few months.

when a loud noise from nearby was heard, and granny asked what happened, i quickly pretended to investigate, took my bag and made my escape.

but how long can i hide?


Admin said...

hahahaaa!! at least your granny will have a human voice in the house when nobody is visiting.

sengkor said...

try to talk abt html codes and blogging to ur granny, see the sifu will interfere onot.. oppss.. she might be a pro blogger too..

me said...

dear ah pek: ngee ngee ngam mosquito lah.

dear seng kor: skali she want to teach me how to post photos, change templates, add music and adsense....i pengsan lah. i am quite sure she will still have comments, regardless of topic. the visitors are starting to get quite afraid to visit granny. :-)

Robin CHAN said...

WELL, at least the good part is that she is looking after your granny..

and for that, please bear with her :)

It is difficult to look after the elderly and she may not have anyone to talk to.

Be nice ya..

sengkor said...

lenglui, y change ur nick to 'me'? now i need to call u 'me'.., like talking to myself like that. pretty confusing leh..

me said...

dear robin: meow.....i'll try. is having a vacant look rude?

dear seng kor: ya lor. so tired of being called lenglui. like so superficial. wanted to change to i, like when i comment in people's blog, it will appear i said:.....but had problem with the changing, so gave up. good lah, talking to me is like talking to yourself - a box for you to bounce off your thoughts and ideas. nevermind, if nanti anal itchy, change stay tuned.

me said...

dear seng kor: you can always still call me lenglui. ;-) now, even better cos my nick not lenglui but you still call me lenglui, make me feel really like one mah. said...

Let me lend you my remote control with mute button!