Thursday, May 11, 2006

it is throbbing!

*holding head in between hands* i have a headache. for a few days now. each morning when i wake up, even after a good night sleep, my good friend, mr headache, comes back to look for me. he only leaves when my head touches the pillow and konks out for the night. how thoughtful....but how miserable.

and my shoulders and neck feel so tensed and painful. backrub, anybody?

sigh! what should i do? i have a number of suggestions at the top of my mind.

1. dunk my brain in ice water to let it cool off......

2. use a plastic toy hammer to knock at the part that hurts to ease the pain.......

3. or use a real hammer to knock on my hands. body can only recognise one pain at a time.......

4. go for a head transplant........

5. read hilarious blogs and get my mind off the pain......

6. hibernate until winter....which will never come in our country.......

7. eat a bowl of chilli padi......same theory as the real hammer but this one with lots of vitamin c......

8. watch korean dramas, vcds after vcds, until brain also blur.......

9. go for yoga classes, maybe the exercise will do my body good. this is one of the more normal ones but since today is thursday, and it is my regular yoga slot, this sounds like a really sound idea.

10. go for a holiday in new zealand.....this one a little bit difficult to do at this very second, but i can still dream.....

cannot stress out my brain too much. anymore suggestions? eeeekkk. why didn't i think of just taking 2 panadols from day one? sigh!

ok, i'm going for that panadol now............

what?! you are still here? what are you waiting for? free panadols ah? byeeeeee!


Robin CHAN said...

How about seeing a doctor for a change?

hmm are u having migrane?

AKA doctor Robin

Wuching said...

like what that little kid in kindergarten cop said to arnie when he had a headache; "could be a tumor."

Anonymous said...

have chocolates. they're a cure-all. and if doesn't really do the job, at least they tasted good ... ;) said...

You are stressed out ler, maybe? Panadol will help. I also got to take them last two days when I was getting used to my specs. Let's yamseng with panadols!

Admin said...

take gingko!!!

me said...

wahhhh...all these potential doctors.

dear robin: if see doctor, then he say "small thing like headache also must come and see meh?" never had migrane so don't know how migrane feels like :-p kekeke

dear wuching: hey! that thought crossed my mind. was going to go for mri scan but figured it must be my hypochondriac side acting up. :-)

dear may: downed one whole big slab of chocolate..didn't seem to help. eep..maybe that's what worsened it..."yeet hei" :-)

dear lilian: maybe lah. but after take panadol, pain comes back again tomorrow. cannot cure the underlying cause. yamseng with panadol...!!! dangerous.

dear ah pek: gingko also can help meh? not menopause, you know. :-)

Ianfluenza said...

Ginkgo can stimulate blood flow and reduce stress levels. I've been taking them and I find myself less of a stresshead compared to then... Give it a go... No harm... But pls don't dunk it down ur gullet with XO - could be fatal...

Helen said...

Try drinking fresh juice in the morning and lot s and lots of water. It helps! :-)

sengkor said...

got try asking him to gently massage ur temple or not?

Cocka Doodle said...

Euthanasia!! The answer is euthansia!!

**quickly ducks from lenglui's flying shoes**

Anonymous said...

hi, hope i am in time to wish u HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY.

Anonymous said...

looks like i am a wee late.

me said...

dear ianfluenza: ooooo i c. ok, another pill to add to my medicine cabinet.

dear helen: hmmmm...drinking water part a little bit of a problem. you see, i'm allergic to water. kakaka. dunno why lah, i just don't like to drink water.

dear seng kor: lately no such good treatment leh. tell already but go in one ear, go out from another :-(

dear cock: psst....can please pick up my shoes and bring back to me ah?

dear pt: thanks, it's the thought that counts :-)

Fantasy "Sticky" Flier said...

headaches are good! means you still alive! now better go see that doc, gingko is a good idea...:D

me said...

dear ff: tumours and chemo also mean that i am still alive but stilllllll.....i would rather be healthy lor *grins* :-p i think it's stress.