Thursday, April 13, 2006

wait....don't go; part II

i feel i need to add another word or two; consider this as a post script to the earlier entry. maybe i have put the wrong empasis on the subject but i did not mean to rant on and on about the food.
i meant to portray my feelings of hopelessness and disorientation - when time has moved on but left me behind. when things around you keep changing, but you have not changed.......

you want to hold whatever you treasure firmly in your hand....but you are only grasping at the air......for all things change and that is the only constant in your life.

no matter how good a thing may be......things will change....and life will go on.

i wish to only ask for a little keepsake to remember all the good memories by.


Anonymous said...

let go... my dear... just let it go...

Anonymous said...

Don't worry too much. Whatever is taken away from you, God will replace it with something better.

Ooops...sorry for my earlier comments!

Cocka Doodle said...

I know a peen tai loe who would keep a strand of the pubic hair of his conquest for rememberance.

me said...

my dear cock: omigawd! that is so peen tai. i suppose he has a book with all those hair displayed and labelled. when you go to his house, don't stick your hand into any bags that you may just come up with batches of pubic hairs! ewyuck!