Thursday, June 21, 2007

who stopped first?

ever get yourself in a situation where you close yourself from others because you thought they didn't care? you stop taking the initiative, making the next move....because you feel that they have not taken any steps down the road of friendship? you wonder...were you intruding? you stop calling, they stop calling. now you'll never know if they never cared...or they were just going through a rough patch.

i seem to get myself into that situation a lot. i get tired. i stop walking. pretty soon, i turn around...and the friendship is in the past.

i guess that is not the way friends should be. then again, don't two hands make a clapping sound? can you clap with one hand?


Anonymous said...

We don't mould our friends to be what we want them to be, do we?
So, the answer lies within.

me said...

i wouldn't say it's moulding....but taking the be interested in your pick up the phone and that asking too much? if i'm a friend, won't you get in touch with me if you have not heard from me for weeks/months? should i unconditionally always be the one to make the move? sometimes, people get tired.

may said...

dunno, really. sometimes it's just both parties who stop at the same time. if one keeps at it, and the other starts to wane, then you know who to "point the finger" at.

it does take 2 hands to clap, though some do it very well slapping their own thighs... lol!

me said...

ouchhhh! watch out for inflamed swollen thighs on those people too lazy to raise their hands *smile*

Mamapumpkin said...

Hi, it's me again...I feel like I have been going thru' this all my life. Not only with friends, family too. I always feel guilty for not calling some relatives or friends. But then, I'd ask my self. Hello? They haven't called either!!!

However, with the people I truly care about, I definitely call. Even if it's once a year, since I get news about their well-being thru' other sources, and know they're OK.

I hate pretenses. If you haven't called me for 5 years, don't pretend to be my best friend the next time you bump into me and suggest we really should meet up soon. And then I don't hear from you till the next time I bump into you again.

me said...

true true. but sometimes, it's not so much a matter of whose fault is it....but more of such a sad waste that the friendship degenerated to this stage...then you think back of all those warm and happy memories....and all you have left is the memories cos things will never be the same again.

Mamapumpkin said...

I hear you. I have actually lost several friendships in this lifetime and I'd be lying to say I didn't feel some form of remorse.

Unfortunately, some girls just decided on their own accord that they wanted to abandon the friendship and I was left wondering why. I thought it rather unfair because I wasn't even given an opportunity to defend myself. But such is life.

I honestly don't think I'm such a bad friend so....I hope I will know one day.

me said...

sigh! that's the thing with friendship with women. not that i'm bashing our same sex but women tends to be over-sensitive, jealous, critical and moody. we have our good points too, of course, but it just makes friendship that much more difficult. me? i'm so blur most of the time that i missed the part where i'm suppose to get angry. and i like that in others.