Friday, July 07, 2006


ciuouristiy klils the cat. i konw but i wnat to try if tihs ralely wroks. riobn tlels me taht jsut by miankg srue i witre the frsit and lsat lteetr in the croerct pacle, i can jmblue the wrdos in bteewen and you wlil siltl be albe to udenrtsnad waht i am witrtnig. hmmm, it semes to be ture, eecpxt taht it wulod hvae srecewd my barin boerfe it secwred yuros. wirtnitg tihs is tugoh wrok man. the barin is raelly a wnorduos tinhg.

phew. i think i killed a few brain cells writing that.

last night, in the dead of the night, some old friends came for a visit. some of you may be wondering what type of friends i have who feel that they have the liberty to come calling in the middle of the night, when all living thing is resting and everything is quiet.

i must say, they couldn't have come at a better time. they were really a sight for sore eyes. don't you agree that friends who appear when you are in need are good friends indeed?

for those who have not followed my stories from before, maybe you need a refresher, go read this then. for those who are too lazy to follow instructions, well, muddle along then.

these friends of mine have put on some weight since i last saw them. yummier, in fact. since i am not too keen on lamb chops, they are at least save from my roaring appetite. having said that, their rump do look very attractive.

*shakes my head and wipes away the drool* anyway, enough updates about their physical attributes. they came willingly along in a line to the same old meadow. yet again, some irresponsible olympics-winner-wannabe athletic has left his hurdle there. they know the routine. obediently, one by one jumped over the hurdle. i am surprised that there was no resistance, no fight, but i suppose they know the routine by now.

they must have trained in secret when they were away for they were highly efficient. by the thirteenth one, i knocked off.

ahhhh, what good and loyal friends. just give me a holler should you ever need to borrow them on those long lonely nights that sleep eludes you.


do you ever think about why super heroes have only super-hearing and super-sight out of all our 5 senses?

i know, the strange things that pop into my mind when i am unable to sleep.

i was pondering what super-powers i would like to have if i had the privelege, or misfortune, to become one. the most basic, of course, would be to have all super sensory powers. super-hearing, super-sight, super-touch, super-taste and super-smell.

however, when my imagination continues to soar further, i finally understood why superman never had super-touch. super strength maybe, but definitely not super-touch. can you imagine clark kent having an orgasm everytime his....erm...thingy rubs against his pants?

"hey, lois, about that article i want to talk to you..ah.......ah.........ah......ah....ah....ah...ah..ah..ah.ah.ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. hmmmm, not a pretty sight.

and super-smell? eughhhhh! can you imagine how it must feel to be able to smell the dumpster 50 miles away or some rotting dead elephant in africa? allllllllll the time? even coco channel no. 5 will just blow you away. having a cold must be a blessing for mr super-nose.

lastly, let's not forget super-taste. you can forget all about seasonings, salt and ajinomoto. eating out will be a big no-no. he will probably need to drink a gallon of water to wash away the taste of one particle of salt. and think about the after-taste of that gallon of water. what will seem like pure clean distilled water to us will probably taste like sewage to him.

sighhhhh! now you know why super heroes only have two heightened sensory powers.


titoki said...

Are you Super high on drugs? LOL.

Ianfluenza said...

must be the magic mushrooms again. must be...

Wuching said...

i have limitless super powers!

Cocka Doodle said...

You forgot one thing....Superhero got super kkc also. able to leap from the pants in a single bound.

Ronnie Ng said...

well, with great power comes great responsibility

sengkor said...

superheroes must be able to control their super senses ma. if not superman will keep banging himself onto walls or goes cuckoo from all the noises he hears.. betul tak?

Helen said...

yes, I can read your jumbled words faster than you can write em! lol

Hey, what's this sudden super XXX obsession?? Got anything to share straight to the point lar... :-P **quikcly hdie**

Fantasy "Sticky" Flier said...

I prefer to count rabbits, soooo nearly adopted one today. dang, no room for him here.
Actually hor, he does have all the other senses... loook who got pregant :P

me said...

dear titoki: heehee...just dreaming.

dear ian: sounds perfectly rational to me. what's the problem?

dear wuching: ahhhhh, yes i know, superman

dear cocka: super fast kkc or super long kkc?

dear ronnie: and with great responsibility comes greater pressure

dear sengkor: i also wonder how to control. it's not like a device that he can take out or switch off. buat pekak and pretend cannot hear ah? if i am superman, i think i will die inside becos of all those that i cannot save whilst i am saving only a handful.

dear helen: no message this time, just some pointless rambling from an unfocussed mind.

dear ff: oooooo, i love rabbits. such a pity you've got no place for him. lucky i just saw superman over the weekend, otherwise you would have spoilt it for me :-p

Robin CHAN said...


I can read you message, so it works.. and yes, thus u to write something like that..

My barin hruts

Robin CHAN said...

Aiyo, I read your old post before and still wonder what actually came in the middle of the night.. hehe..

Ghosts? Auntie? hmmmm.. bla bla lamb chops?

me said...

dear robin: i'm still amazed at how our brain interprets the message.

somehow i can't imagine my aunties jumping over hurdles and i think ghosts kind of float through that leaves....yummmmmmy! i thought i was quite obvious. hmmmm. power of expression must be failing.